When someone asks me if Family Constellations work the same as Company Constellations, I say yes, but with nuances that make them more complex. There are fundamental differences between the two that require a different vision between them.
Something substantial changes within a company, the members of the company are not united to it for life, as in a family. In the company, membership is a temporary choice and in the family it belongs to it even after death.
For example, when a person leaves an organization, how long does the weight or the mark that he has left on it last?
Because it is not the same for the organization, (or for those who remain), who has driven the growth of the company and has decided to leave it for something better in his career, to be fired.
How do these choices affect the system? How long will their effect last? Will this footprint allow the organization to grow or, on the contrary, will it weigh it down?

How do they work?
- Each of its members has the same right to have their position within the system.
- There is a correct order of positions within the system.
- In any exchange there must be a proper balance between giving and receiving
Following the first “law”, everyone who has belonged to the system has their place within it, especially its founders.
Apparently, the most successful companies have their founders very present through visible photos or by the successors and employees who name them regularly.
When the right to belong suffers, it generally refers to events in the past, for example, when someone has not been recognized, or directly ignored. For this reason, it is extremely important that, from the general manager to the cleaning staff, they are recognized and valued as a fundamental part of that system.
Regarding the hierarchical order, when each element is in its place, the organization remains calm and can dedicate itself to its work, if, on the contrary, people are in places that do not correspond to them, the system suffers.
What is positive about Business Constellations or Systemic Configurations is, in essence, that the organization is a living system that feels and is alive, that the “whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” To have a systemic vision is to put love to the companies that were born to grow and help their members to grow.

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