Biodecoding of the family tree

Biodecoding the family tree helps people to
discover, all the unconscious programs that govern your life, to
be able to free yourself, rediscover yourself, vibrate in your own essence, go lighter, live
his own life, leaving the place of victim and not repairing or repeating the life of
someone else in your family.

What does the family tree give me

It allows us to access a whole system of beliefs, dates, names,
repetitions, special situations experienced by some members who can
affect the person.


That the person initiating the consultation has received the name of some
family. You have to see what the ancestor’s fate has been.


The dates of birth, deaths, weddings, accidents that are repeated or coincide.

It is surprising to discover the numerical relationships, by the repetition of
similar circumstances at the same times

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If you need an online reading, complete the form and I will contact you to coordinate.

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